

Karendayal Devi’s Transformational Soul Empowerment Program

Soul Coaching with Love ( Personalized Self Mastery Coaching Sessions)

Yoga & Ayurveda Wisdom • Massage • Meditation • Reiki • Corporate Wellness

CALL 508-252-WELL TO SCHEDULE YOUR FIRST SESSION or Request a Free 15 min consult for personalized coaching

In Person, Face Time and Zoom Options

Soul coaching with love

(Self Mastery Personalized coaching Sessions) 

(In Person, Face Time or Zoom)

What do you struggle with? What have you been trying to figure out, be, do, feel, have or accomplish on your own that you still have not been able too? Notice any unwanted reoccurring patterns/themes in your life?  Spinning? Relationship issues? Can’t move pass your own blocks? Are you feeling a natural inner evolution leading you to transcend old limiting habits, beliefs, mindsets and ways of being that just don’t serve you anymore?

You are reading these words because you are on the path of change, progression, healing, transformation and empowerment. You are right on time and ready for this next step along your personal journey with Karendayal’s transformational breakthrough coaching to be living the highest version of yourself right now. 

The truth of your Soul is powerful, the duality, separation and discord within us can sometimes be more powerful. 

In these private, verbal, interactive, co-creative series of Coaching sessions, your unique and personal map unfolds. Closing the gap between where you are and where you’d like to be, how you are feeling now into how you would like to feel, relationship with self and relationship with others, the you that you are now, unfolding into the you that you are becoming… are you ready to move forward? Lets go!

Returning you back home to Self, to fully navigate the flow of your life to live your love, peace, truth, joy and happiness. 

With Karendayal’s expert guidance you will take control of the relationship of who you are vibrationally and energetically, reveal and clear up inner resistance and limiting belief patterns (the biggest missing link and life changer!)

Experience creative ways and processes that raise your awareness to understand and know yourself better, leading you to take off the overlays that keep you stuck and reclaim your much needed aspects of your Self Energy (that have been separated, lost, pushed aside and hidden) and move that much needed energy back into your personal empowerment channel.

Rewrite your agreement with reality and transform into a new way of being and merge into the now with a better relationship with yourself, others and all the main categories of your life. Its time to Release, Reclaim, Rise | Be you. Live love fully in this lifetime!

Private Yoga Sessions—Infused with Ayurveda Wisdom
Beginners and Up

(In Person, Face-Time or Zoom)

Based on your needs and lifestyle goals Karendayal will teach you yoga/mediation practices that will be relevant to you and supportive to your daily living.

She will teach, support and guide you into finding and experiencing your own sacred alignment while forming a personal relationship to the various poses, postures, flows, build an important balance between strength and flexibility, movement meditations, creative core cultivations, the way energy moves, breathing practices and helpful meditations that will enhance all aspects of your living.

By learning the ways, you’ll receive guidance and inspiration to create and establish your very own personal home practice that is so needed to support the demands of our modern living.

Yoga & Ayurveda are sister sciences. Practices and ways of living in harmony with nature and the seasons built around the 5 elements of earth, air, fire, water and space.  Karendayal will show you the ways to balance these 5 elements within you for health and wellbeing within your body mind temple.

Physical as well as emotional, mental and spiritual, she honors and utilizes them both together as an educator. Infusing their wisdom to you within these tailored sessions that are personally supportive to your unique needs. These practices support to bring your doshas (life energy) and (imbalances) back into balance where your body can renew itself, relieve stress, create a strong yet fluid and supple body, chill out and focus, improving mood and energy so you can enjoy better physical, mental, emotional and spiritual over all heath and wellbeing and age gracefully.

Therapeutic Healing Massage Sessions 

Sessions are deeply healing and therapeutic experiences each and every time. The professional precision of Karendayal’s executed techniques, met with her clear and unmistakable intuition along with warm herbal-infused oils allows you to be able to relax deeply knowing that you are receiving a specific and layered treatment that is just right for you. 

Treatments skillfully address and meet your therapeutic needs of nurturing and aligning your body mind temple on a muscular-skeletal and energetic-emotional level. Caring for your over use, strains, aches and pains, sessions unwind tightness, relieve stresses and counters the accumulation build up from the demands of daily living while soothing your soul from excess emotional strain.

Reiki Natural Healing Sessions

The human body is alive with energy that flows in and through it. The Universal Life Force Energy ( Ki, Chi, Prana) lives within our body and flows through all creation. Sessions are gentle, non-invasive, hands on treatments where the client stays fully clothed lying down resting on the treatment table. Unlike massaging the body, a Reiki session utilizes gentle cupped hand placements that are softly resting on the body or at times slightly above the body for a duration of time working with the various chakras energy centers from the top of the head all the way to the bottom of your feet with various placements in between covering head, eyes, ears, neck, torso, belly, back, legs and knees and feet.

Universal Life Force Energy flows to where its needed within the body encouraging a stronger life energy flow and releasing inner blocks, returning body/mind temple back to inner healing wisdom, creating balance within your energy centers of the chakras and within the trinity of body, mind and spirit. Clients report feeling deep rest and peace, less physical stress and anxiety, a feeling of more mental and emotional stability with more clarity and energy. 

Strong energy flow results in radiant health, a more positive and creative mind and a deep feeling of peace. Imbalances within our energy field and flow can be felt as a tense body, lack of vitality, feeling stressed, run down, sick, dull, restless, confused mind and a general depressed feeling or anxiety.